Still Life Portrait



ISO: 100; f/4.5, 1/13 sec

• How do these objects represent you today? Be specific and use complete sentences.
These objects represent me today because the volleyball, shoes, necklace, glasses, flowers, Stitch, and pineapple describes who I truly am. The volleyball and shoes are two things that are significant and very important to me. My life surrounds the sport of volleyball, so I felt that I needed to include these objects in the image. The necklace has a cross on the end, displaying my faith in God. I added my glasses because it helps me see the world in a new perspective. The flowers are in the image because I had that bouquet of fake flowers for many years, and they have been in my room for a long time. I put the Stich figure because it was my favorite childhood film and Disney character. Lastly, I added the pineapple as a nod to my backpack, and to the fact that it is my favorite fruit.  

• What is the best aspect/what do you like best about your image?
The best aspect of my image is that it describes me as best as I could. I think that if someone was to look at this photo, they should be able to tell that the objects would represent me. I also think I did a good job of including texture and pattern into the image. This provides the idea that you could almost go out and touch the photo. 

• List at least two compositional elements that you used and why.
Two compositional elements I used were patterns/textures, and rule of thirds. The patterns include the wood flooring and the textures on the shoes, volleyball, and pineapple. This adds realism and emotion to the image. Rule of thirds makes the viewer focus on the focal point of the image. It gives the photo a main subject in the image. 

• What lighting source did you choose and why? How does it affect the mood/meaning of the image?
The lighting source I choose was a sidelight from the floor. The soft light came through a window and onto the floor. this affects the mood and meaning of the image because it eliminates the harsh shadows that originally were present in the image.

• What could you improve upon? 
I could improve upon the amount of objects I chose, as well as the lighting of the image. I think that if I took the image with fewer objects, it would look less cluttered. It would also have one main focal point that the viewer could focus on. In addition, I should have increased my ISO to make my image less dark, giving me fewer things to edit. This would improve the image's meaning and crowdedness.

• Ten years from now do you think you will choose the same objects? Why or why not?
I don't think I would have all the same objects ten years from now. I don't know if I would be playing volleyball as an adult, but I think I would still include the glasses and necklace because it would have the same meaning to me. My interests will eventually change, therefore I might have chosen different objects in the future. 
