Hanging or Suspended Photo



  • What compositional element(s) did you choose? How did the compositional element(s) add to the meaning or purpose of the photograph?
    • The compositional elements I choose was pattern and textures. I thought that the wooden post added different textures and tones to the image. In addition, I also used the rule of thirds elements for the viewer to focus on the leaf in the spiderweb. This creates the leaf to be the focal point of the image.

  • Do you think you were successful in translating your thoughts into a visual form? What aspects of the photograph lead you to this conclusion?
    • I think I was semi-successful in translating my thoughts in visual form. I found it hard to present my thoughts through an image like this. I think that I could have created the photo to be more metaphorical or contain more meaning. The aspects of the photo that lead to this conclusion were that there was no emotion or tone in this photo. I could have incorporated this by different perspectives or black and white tones.

  • What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better?
    • What I would do differently if I did this photo would be to add more aspects to the image.  I think that the background of the image is blurry, making the focus on the leaf not as prominent as it should be. 
