Through the Eyes of a Child


    • What object did you choose to photograph and why? 
      • The object I chose for my photograph were two airplanes held by my younger brother, Logan. I picked these toys because my brother has a love of aeronautics, and this photo was very fitting for the prompt. The planes my brother was holding also were passed down from my dad, so the toys hold special meaning to my family as well. 
    • What compositional element(s) did you choose? How did the compositional element(s) add to the meaning or purpose of the photograph?
      • The compositional element that I choose was worm's eye view. Different perspectives add meaning to the purpose of my photograph, because it looks like my brother is playing with the airplanes and holding them up into the sky. This could symbolize his desire to eventually be in flight in the sky. 
    • Do you think you were successful in translating your thoughts into a visual form? What aspects of the photograph lead you to this conclusion?
      • I think I was successful in translating my thoughts into visual form because I wanted to dedicate this photo to my younger brother and his passions. I also think that I captured the idea of a child's perspective, as it symbolizes how a child sees his dreams and desires in the world  
    • What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better?
      • Something that I could have done differently is shoot the photo at a time where there were clouds. This would add pattern and texture into the image, and make the background less plain. I also would not shot with that small strip of roof that I originally had in the photo. This would have allowed me have an easier time editing the photo. 
