Shutter Exploration

ISO: 100, Aperture: 5.3, Shutter Speed 1/2000

ISO: 100, Aperture: 5.3, Shutter Speed 1/1000

ISO: 100, Aperture: 5.3, Shutter Speed 1/250

ISO: 100, Aperture: 5.3, Shutter Speed: 1/2

ISO: 100, Aperture: 5.3, Shutter Speed: 1

What I learned from Shutter Exploration:
My results were interesting. The faster the shutter speed, the more clarity and definition I had in the photo. The lower shutter speed, such as 1, the more overexposed it was, as well as the amount of blur in the image increased. The longer the shutter is open, the camera catches more movement and action creating a blur. The image is brighter, because there is more time for the light to hit the sensor. 
