Black and White Landscape Photo

  • What challenges did you encounter photographing and editing this image? 
    • Some challenges that I encountered while photographing and editing this image was making sure that the image was not overexposed or underexposed. I also wanted to make sure that the image was not completely white, because of water and sky's brightness. 
  • How did you overcome these challenges?
    • I overcame these challenges by attempting to balance out the highlights and shadows in the image through Lightroom. 
  • How did you add depth to your image?
    • I added to depth to my image by making sure I had a foreground, middle ground, and background in my photo. The boat is the foreground, the water is the middle ground, and the levy is the background. 
  • Do you like your image in black and white or color more? Why? 
    • I like images in color more because it shows more life and excitement in a photo. Even though black and white images can sometimes show more meaning, I like the idea of vibrance in color. 
  • What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better?
    • What I would do if I had to do this photo again, I would try to have more contrast between the water and the sky. I would also take it at a different time, where there would be clouds, creating more differences between the black and white parts of my image. 
