Photo inside a Photo


ISO: 100
Shutter speed: 1/1400

    • How did you match the scene from the magazine to the scene you photographed? Did you control the light, composition, etc? 
      • I matched a photo of a gazebo on the Foster City lagoon with the real location. I made sure that the building in the background and the pier matched up with the ones in my photo. I controlled the light in my image because of the sun's movement in my image. I also had to lower my ISO to 100 because the image was too dark. 
    • What do you like best about this photo?
      • The best thing about this photo was how the buildings matched up in the printed photo and the actual one. I also liked how I was able to make the photo more straight. I enjoyed visiting the areas of my city to create a pretty image.
    • What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better?
      • Something I would do differently would be to make the pier match up a little bit better with the image, as well as work with the greenery match up with the one in the printed photo. I also think that I could have gone to the extent of editing the little white area under the bottom left-hand corner of the image. 
