
Showing posts from May, 2019

Semester Two Final Project Images

Shutter Speed: 1/125 ISO: 200 f/6.3 Artists Statement: Hands tell a story. In everyday life, people use their hands, therefore scars, textures, veins, and nails display what one has to endure throughout their life. I wanted to display my family through objects that they are passionate about. My family is a very important part of myself, and I wanted to highlight their hobbies and interests. In my portfolio, I picked my father’s love of basketball, my brother’s special stuffed dog, one of my mother’s favorite books, and me holding a key that leads to our home. These images represent our life together and the importance of familial love. This concept was influenced by photographer Tim Booth, who created a portfolio of HDR hands of people with different backgrounds. About his vision, he says “ labels are added because of how someone looks. But when we look close up at hands we don't do that.” His mix of deep meaningful images and detailed texture, allow Booth’s photos to c

Contact Sheet 3


Basketball Hands

ISO: 200 1/1250 6.3

Photo Contact Sheet 2
