
Showing posts from January, 2019

Food Photography

ISO: 400 f/5.0 Shutter: 1/40

Students at Notre Dame Belmont Portrait

What ISO, shutter, and aperture did you use?  ISO: 400, Shutter: 1/13, f/5 What question did you ask your model, and how does their response add to the photograph?  I asked:  Who is the most influential person in your life? Their response added to the photograph because it shows her love for science and her old teacher. Her determination to spread her love for science adds to the happiness of the image.  What do you like best about this photo? The aspect that I like best about this image is Kristen's smile. When I took this photo, it was completely candid, and she was telling about a funny story about her day.  What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better? I would try to blur out and mask the brightness behind the food cart in the background. It distracts the viewer from the focal point of the image. 

Natural Light Portrait Practice Images

ISO: 100 SS:1/160 f/7.1 ISO: 100 SS: 1/160 f/7.1

HDR Hands

HDR Image: ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/13 f/5.6 Three photos that were merged: 1. ISO: 100, SS: 1/4, f/5.6       2. ISO: 100, SS: 0.5, f/5.6        3. ISO: 100, SS: 1/13, f/5.6 1. One thing I felt like I did the best was bringing the texture out of the image. I'm glad that I changed the image to black and white , because it gave more meaning and story to the image. 2. One thing I felt like I could have changed was the blurriness in the front pinky and put the back hand more in focus. I also think the lighting behind the image was a little too bright and distracted from the main focal point.

HDR Images

ISO: 100 f/5.6 1/200 ISO: 100 f/5.6 1/200