
Showing posts from 2019

Semester Two Final Project Images

Shutter Speed: 1/125 ISO: 200 f/6.3 Artists Statement: Hands tell a story. In everyday life, people use their hands, therefore scars, textures, veins, and nails display what one has to endure throughout their life. I wanted to display my family through objects that they are passionate about. My family is a very important part of myself, and I wanted to highlight their hobbies and interests. In my portfolio, I picked my father’s love of basketball, my brother’s special stuffed dog, one of my mother’s favorite books, and me holding a key that leads to our home. These images represent our life together and the importance of familial love. This concept was influenced by photographer Tim Booth, who created a portfolio of HDR hands of people with different backgrounds. About his vision, he says “ labels are added because of how someone looks. But when we look close up at hands we don't do that.” His mix of deep meaningful images and detailed texture, allow Booth’s photos to c

Contact Sheet 3


Basketball Hands

ISO: 200 1/1250 6.3

Photo Contact Sheet 2


Photo 1 Contact Final Sheet 1

Egg Elevation

I am a dreamer.

ISO: 200 Shutter: 1/100 Aperture: f/5.0

Self Portrait with Text

ISO: 100 Shutter: 1/200 f/5 I picked this concept image and quote because it represent happiness and how it comes from within yourself, and nobody else. The idea was important to me because your joy should be from actions, not the decisions of others.

Levitation Image

ISO: 100 Shutter: 1/50 f/5.5

Double Exposure

ISO: 400 f/5.3 SS: 1/100


ISO: 100 f/5 1/4

Enviromental Portrait Planning Sheet

ISO: 100 f/5 Shutter: 1/80 I chose window lighting because it brings warm and soft light to the photo, which demonstrates my grandfather's passion of cooking. I think if I used a bounce flash it would have made the image to harsh and dramatic, instead of a home-like atmosphere.  

Invisible Background

ISO: 100 Shutter: 1/250 f/32

Two Color Exposure

ISO: 200 SS: 1/6 f/5.6 Channel: Red and Green

Lyrically Speaking

"You're a sunflower...I think your love will be too much." (Post Malone, Swae Lee) 

P.4 Midterm


Forced Perspective


Oh, Those Clever Librarians and Their #Bookface


Senior Play Images


What is love?

ISO: 400, f/5, Shutter:1/800 What I interpret about this image is my parent's love. This photo contains my mom and dad holding hands, revealing her wedding ring. I think that this illustrates the prompt because the wedding ring symbolizes the bond of love and dedication. I also choose to edit my image in black and white, so it brings the focus onto the wedding ring. 

Lighting Patterns Exploration

Side Light: ISO: 400, f/5.3, Shutter: 1/40 Loop: ISO: 400, f/5.3, Shutter: 1/40 Rembrandt  ISO: 400, f/5.3, Shutter: 1/40 Butterfly Light ISO: 400, f/5.3, Shutter: 1/40

Food Photography

ISO: 400 f/5.0 Shutter: 1/40

Students at Notre Dame Belmont Portrait

What ISO, shutter, and aperture did you use?  ISO: 400, Shutter: 1/13, f/5 What question did you ask your model, and how does their response add to the photograph?  I asked:  Who is the most influential person in your life? Their response added to the photograph because it shows her love for science and her old teacher. Her determination to spread her love for science adds to the happiness of the image.  What do you like best about this photo? The aspect that I like best about this image is Kristen's smile. When I took this photo, it was completely candid, and she was telling about a funny story about her day.  What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better? I would try to blur out and mask the brightness behind the food cart in the background. It distracts the viewer from the focal point of the image. 

Natural Light Portrait Practice Images

ISO: 100 SS:1/160 f/7.1 ISO: 100 SS: 1/160 f/7.1

HDR Hands

HDR Image: ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/13 f/5.6 Three photos that were merged: 1. ISO: 100, SS: 1/4, f/5.6       2. ISO: 100, SS: 0.5, f/5.6        3. ISO: 100, SS: 1/13, f/5.6 1. One thing I felt like I did the best was bringing the texture out of the image. I'm glad that I changed the image to black and white , because it gave more meaning and story to the image. 2. One thing I felt like I could have changed was the blurriness in the front pinky and put the back hand more in focus. I also think the lighting behind the image was a little too bright and distracted from the main focal point.

HDR Images

ISO: 100 f/5.6 1/200 ISO: 100 f/5.6 1/200